“Barry Mallin & Associates Weigh In On The Controversy
Surrounding HPD’s Proposed HDFC Regulatory Agreement”

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Building and Empowering NYC's Communities for 25 Years

New York City Community Development Law Firm • Barry Mallin & Associates, P.C.• 212-966-5085
New York City is a great, unique place to live. With this unique quality, however, there
come certain laws involving affordable housing, community rights, cooperative housing
and community development that impact New York more than many other states. Barry Mallin & Associates, P.C. is dedicated to building and empowering communities. We practice in a specific area of law designed to meet the specific legal needs of our clients.

Our firm looks forward to speaking with you regarding your legal needs. Whether as a co-op board member, as a concerned community activist or as an aspiring small business owner, we are here to help. Call us at 212-966-5085 and arrange your consultation with one of our attorneys.

A Community Rights Law Practice

Barry Mallin & Associates, P.C. was founded by attorney Barry Mallin in 1985. Over the years, we have witnessed remarkable resilience in our clients. Our clients have an unmatched pride in their communities, a desire to take ownership of their dreams and the energy to help their communities thrive. In partnership with our clients, we build and empower New York's communities in ways such as the following:
  • By providing comprehensive, ongoing legal counsel to limited equity and tenant sponsored cooperatives and condominiums throughout New York City, including Housing Development Fund Corporations (HDFCs) / Limited Equity Cooperatives and Mitchell-Lama Housing Cooperatives.
  • By preserving the quality of life in your neighborhood through community rights litigation involving liquor licenses, bar noise, noise nuisance, land use, zoning challenges, condominium construction defects and more.
  • By encouraging the growth of affordable housing units and guiding clients through the complexities of cooperative and condominium offering plans.
  • By contributing to community and economic development through the growth of small businesses.

GavelAt Barry Mallin & Associates, P.C., you will find a law firm that focuses on the needs of our communities. Contact us and schedule your consultation. We look forward to speaking with you.

268 East Broadway, Suite A1707, New York, New York 10002 • 212-966-5085 • bmallin@mallinlaw.com

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